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Posted by on 2015/01/25 under Uncategorized

I’ve always been somewhat of a worry wart, and because of this I’m extra cautious. But sometimes my mind plays tricks on me and I come up with elaborate ideas about what could go wrong, and this leads to great paranoia. Since I don’t currently have a job(I’m 17), one of my friends suggested I go work with him for three days. He suggested it to my other friend as well, so we’re both going. I don’t know him very well, and he’s not the most reliable person, but my friend is coming too and I’m obviously taking every precaution to be safe. But then I was sitting there one day and a great wave of panic came over me. What if he was taking my friend and I to a dangerous place? We didn’t hand in resumes, and yeah we saw the employers message, but that could’ve been anybody, so it all feels very strange. There are just so many things that could go wrong and I can’t help but worry about every little thing. I want to cancel(better safe than sorry), but I can’t cancel a day before everything! I shouldn’t let this anxiety rule my life, but its very worrisome if you read between the lines, the place we’re going, and the lack of information we have. I’m not even sure what job we’re doing!I accepted his invitation because at first I thought he was joking, and I needed money. But now….Am I just being paranoid over nothing? I’ve already come up with a plan on how to escape possible situations, but I feel ridiculous. It doesn’t help that my mom implants ideas in my head about how to be cautious and the possible dangers. She increased this anxiety-albeit unknowingly-by asking every five minutes about the job, and expressing how worried she was. Auugh.

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